Saturday, February 16, 2013

Treadmill brands - buy the best one

What are the best treadmill brands?
treadmill brands

You may not like to go to a gym daily and prefer to workout at home. Home Treadmills are the most preferred aerobic workout equipment for a home gym. Treadmills can be used for walking and running indoors. There are so many treadmill brands on the market. Selecting the perfect treadmill for your budget may not be a hard task if you know what you have to look for to buy a treadmill for you.
Here are the key features that you should consider:

The treadmill should fit the available space you have. You will need an adequate stride length especially, if you are taller. You may buy a folding treadmill so that you have more floor space when it is not in use.


The motor power is important for the heaviest workout. You should go for a 1.5 to 2.5 HP motor with continuous rating. Select 110/220 V as required by you. It is better to select a DC motor that has a quieter operation . Most treadmills brands usually provide two separate motors to drive the belt and to raise or lower the incline.

Workout Programs:

Opt for a model, which has the maximum number of pre-set as well as programmable workouts so that you can vary your pace and incline. Your treadmill should have speed and incline that are easily adjustable from the console. It should have more preset workout programs along with at least two customizable programs and at least two heart rate programs.

Length of the Surface:

The belt should be at least 48 inches long and 18 to 20 inches wide. Narrow or short running belts are not safe due to tripping and falling hazards. 60"x 20" belts are preferable for a sufficient length of the surface.

Load Capacity:

The machine should have a higher load capacity so that heavy people in your family or guests can also use it. Many treadmills have a maximum load limit of 350 lbs.

Smooth Ride and Stability:

The treadmill should not be noisy. It should also be stable and not give you a jerky or shaky ride.

Other Minimum Specifications:

(*) Speed : If you intend to use it for running, the speed should go up to 10 mph
(*) Incline : The incline should be adjustable from 0 to 15 degrees to provide flexibility for workouts. Powered incline adjustment is easier.
(*) Frame: The frame should be very strong and durable.
(*) Rollers: The rollers should be wide , smooth and noiseless and provide a free movement of the belt free of static charge .
(*) Deck: The deck should be strong for safety with sufficient length.
(*) Cushioning - The running bed should be soft to absorb shock. The well cushioned decks reduce impact on your knee joints, hips and back.
(*) Control panel - It should be within reach and simple to use. It should include speed, distance, incline, time, pulse, pace and calories as may be required by you.
(*) Smooth Emergency shut-off
(*) Low maintenance and service support

Optional Features:

The machine may have a water bottle stand, fans, and a hanger. You can also consider the following high-tech features, but you will have to pay the higher price:
Docks for iPods, U USB ports, Docks for iPods, Wireless Internet connectivity are popping up.


The renowned treadmill brands give a long time warranty of on motor, frame, deck and parts. Select the machine that has the best features and a long warranty.

Some of the best treadmill brand models that are highly rated by reviewers include: Proform GSX 6.0, Fuel FT94, Schwinn 840 , Smooth 5.65 , Sole F80, Smooth 6.45 and Sole F85 Treadmill. Their prices range between $ 900 and $ 2,000
The price will vary with the features you choose. Select a highest quality treadmill that you can afford. It is important to try the machine before you buy it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My doubt is while buying a Treadmill which is good manual and motorized. i am so big pls suggest me a good brand.

  3. I was to buy a treadmill and just came across this post. It really helped me in buying one.

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